
Posts Tagged ‘pittsburgh smog’

the American Lung Association has a website that allows you to check the state of the air in your city. i don’t think it gets more local than by county, but i’d like to do some comparisons against other counties in PA when I get more time. it actually lists the # of people who have respiratory problems, as well as particle pollution grades.

allegheny county gets a grade of ‘F’.

they also show a map where pittsburgh ranks #1 for most short term particle pollution.


they also have a “take action” link that takes you here: http://lungaction.org/campaign/SOTA2008
from here you can get more involved, i urge everyone reading this to do so. they make it easy to send letters to local representatives and congress.

here’s a website from the U.S. government that shows air quality by region: http://www.airnow.gov/

it actually shows visibility cams like this one in Frostburg, MD.  there weren’t any for Pittsburgh.  How do we get one of these?

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